
Wilson Dental Website

There are many advantages to having a brother. I would argue that it may be even more advantageous to have a brother that is a good dentist. This very situation has afforded me the opportunity to trade goods and services with Gregg A. Wilson DDS. This barter system has brought about the launch of a brand new Wilson Dental website. Feel free to check it out at www.brightersmiles.com. You can view some screen shots below as well.  A special thanks to Gregg, Kami, and Anthony for the great collaborative effort that brought this project to life. 
Wilson Dental Website | Home Page | www.brightersmiles.com
Wilson Dental Website | Meet Dr. Wilson Page | www.brightersmiles.com
Wilson Dental Website | Patient Forms Page | www.brightersmiles.com


I've Been Served...

I was excited to see my Ghost series highlighted on Character Design Served over the weekend. It is always flattering to have your work side-by-side with other great creative professionals in the industry. A big thanks to Oscar and everybody at Behance! You can jump straight to the post featuring my work at this link:
However, there is tons of great work to check out via Behance and their many curated Served Sites.

Ghost Print Series | Character Design Served